import constellation from constellation import util import math import torch import time import pickle # Number of seconds to wait between each checkpoint time_between_checkpoints = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes # Format for checkpoint files checkpoint_path = 'output/experiment-{}.pkl' def train_with_parameters( order, layer_sizes, initial_learning_rate, batch_size ): """ Report final loss after fully learning a constellation with given parameters. :param order: Number of symbols in the constellation. :param layer_sizes: Shape of the encoder’s hidden layers. The size of this sequence is the number of hidden layers, with each element being a number which specifies the number of neurons in its channel. The decoder’s hidden layers will be of the same shape but reversed. :param initial_learning_rate: Initial learning rate used for the optimizer. :param batch_size: Number of training examples for each training batch expressed as a multiple of the constellation order. """ model = constellation.ConstellationNet( order=order, encoder_layers_sizes=layer_sizes, decoder_layers_sizes=layer_sizes[::-1], channel_model=constellation.GaussianChannel() ) # List of training examples (not shuffled) classes_ordered = torch.arange(order).repeat(batch_size) # Constellation from the previous training batch prev_constel = model.get_constellation() total_change = float('inf') # Optimizer settings criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=initial_learning_rate) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer, factor=0.25, patience=100, cooldown=50, threshold=1e-8 ) while total_change >= 1e-4: # Shuffle training data and convert to one-hot encoding classes_dataset = classes_ordered[torch.randperm(len(classes_ordered))] onehot_dataset = util.messages_to_onehot(classes_dataset, order) # Perform training step for current batch model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() predictions = model(onehot_dataset) loss = criterion(predictions, classes_dataset) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Update learning rate scheduler scheduler.step(loss) # Check for convergence model.eval() cur_constel = model.get_constellation() total_change = (cur_constel - prev_constel).norm(dim=1).sum() prev_constel = cur_constel # Compute final loss value with torch.no_grad(): classes_ordered = torch.arange(order).repeat(2048) classes_dataset = classes_ordered[torch.randperm(len(classes_ordered))] onehot_dataset = util.messages_to_onehot(classes_dataset, order) predictions = model(onehot_dataset) return criterion(predictions, classes_dataset).tolist() def evaluate_parameters(parameters, num_repeats=3): """ Run constellation training several times and keep the lowest reached loss. :param parameters: Training parameters (see `train_with_parameters` for documentation). :param num_repeats: Number of runs. :return: Lowest reached loss. """ minimal_loss = float('inf') for run_index in range(num_repeats): current_loss = train_with_parameters(**parameters) minimal_loss = min(minimal_loss, current_loss) return minimal_loss def generate_test_configurations(): """ Generate the set of all configurations to be tested. :yield: Configuration as a dictionary of parameters. """ # Cartesian product of independent variables independent_vars = util.product_dict( order=[4, 16, 32], initial_learning_rate=[10 ** x for x in range(-2, 1)], batch_size=[8, 2048], ) # Add dependent variables for current_dict in independent_vars: for first_layer in range(0, current_dict['order'] + 1, 4): for last_layer in range(0, first_layer + 1, 4): # Convert pair of sizes for each layer to a shape tuple if first_layer == 0 and last_layer == 0: layer_sizes = () elif first_layer != 0 and last_layer == 0: layer_sizes = (first_layer,) elif first_layer == 0 and last_layer != 0: layer_sizes = (last_layer,) else: # first_layer != 0 and last_layer != 0 layer_sizes = (first_layer, last_layer) # Merge dependent variables with independent ones yield { **current_dict, 'layer_sizes': layer_sizes } def save_results(results, path): """ Save current results of experiment. :param results: Dictionary containing current results. :param path: Path to the file where results are to be saved. """ with open(path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(results, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Current set of results results = {} # Go through all configurations to be tested all_confs = list(generate_test_configurations()) # Last checkpoint save time last_save_time = 0 for conf in all_confs: key = tuple(sorted(conf.items())) results[key] = evaluate_parameters(conf) print('{}/{} configurations tested ({:.1f} %)'.format( len(results), len(all_confs), 100 * len(results) / len(all_confs), )) current_time = math.floor(time.time()) if current_time - last_save_time >= time_between_checkpoints: current_path = checkpoint_path.format(current_time) save_results(results, current_path) print('Saved checkpoint to {}'.format(current_path)) last_save_time = current_time # Save final checkpoint output_path = checkpoint_path.format('final') save_results(results, output_path) print('Saved results to {}'.format(output_path))