import torch.nn as nn from torch.distributions.normal import Normal import math class GaussianChannel(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Initialize channel parameters sys_rate = 32e9 r = 0.05 dispersion = 16.48e-6 B_2 = dispersion non_linear_index = 1.3e3 gam = non_linear_index loss = 10**20 alpha = loss span_count = 20 N_s = span_count span_length = 10e5 # (km) L_s = span_length noise_figure = 10 ** 0.5 # (dB) h = 6.6261e-34 v = 299792458 B_WDM = sys_rate * (1 + r) B_N = 0.1 P_ASE_1 = h * v * B_N * (loss * span_length * noise_figure - 1) P_ASE = P_ASE_1 * span_count L_eff = 1 - math.exp(-loss * span_length) / 2 / alpha eps = 0.3 * math.log( 1 + (6 / L_s) * ( L_eff / math.asinh( (math.pi ** 2) / 3 * B_2 * L_eff * (B_WDM ** 2) ) ) ) b = P_ASE_1 / ( 2 * (N_s ** eps) * B_N * (gam ** 2) * L_eff * math.asinh( (math.pi ** 2) / 3 * B_2 * L_eff * (B_WDM ** 2) ) ) P_ch = sys_rate * (((27 * math.pi * B_2 / 16) * b) ** (1 / 3)) OSNR = (2 * P_ch / 3 / P_ASE) OSNR_dB = 10 * math.log10(OSNR) p_N_dB = -OSNR_dB p_N_watt = 10**(p_N_dB/10) self.noise_std = math.sqrt(p_N_watt * 5000) def get_noise(self, rows): """ Generate Gaussian random noise according to the channel’s parameters. :param rows: Number of noise vectors to generate. :return: Matrix of shape `rows` × 2. """ return Normal(0, self.noise_std).sample((rows, 2)) def forward(self, x): return x + self.get_noise(len(x))