# Feedformatter # Copyright (c) 2008, Luke Maurits # Copyright (c) 2015, Laszlo Zeke # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. __version__ = "0.4" from cStringIO import StringIO # This "staircase" of import attempts is ugly. If there's a nicer way to do # this, please let me know! try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: from elementtree import ElementTree as ET except ImportError: raise ImportError("Could not import any form of element tree!") try: from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax import FromXml feedformatterCanPrettyPrint = True except ImportError: feedformatterCanPrettyPrint = False from time import time, strftime, localtime, mktime, struct_time, timezone # RSS 1.0 Functions ---------- _rss1_channel_mappings = ( (("title",), "title"), (("link", "url"), "link"), (("description", "desc", "summary"), "description") ) _rss1_item_mappings = ( (("title",), "title"), (("link", "url"), "link"), (("description", "desc", "summary"), "description") ) # RSS 2.0 Functions ---------- _rss2_channel_mappings = ( (("title",), "title"), (("link", "url"), "link"), (("description", "desc", "summary"), "description"), (("pubDate", "pubdate", "date", "published", "updated"), "pubDate", lambda(x): _format_datetime("rss2",x)), (("category",), "category"), (("language",), "language"), (("copyright",), "copyright"), (("webMaster",), "webmaster"), (("image",), "image"), (("skipHours",), "skipHours"), (("skipDays",), "skipDays") ) _rss2_item_mappings = ( (("title",), "title"), (("link", "url"), "link"), (("description", "desc", "summary"), "description"), (("guid", "id"), "guid"), (("pubDate", "pubdate", "date", "published", "updated"), "pubDate", lambda(x): _format_datetime("rss2",x)), (("category",), "category"), (("author",), "author", lambda(x): _rssify_author(x)), (("ttl",), "ttl") ) # Atom 1.0 ---------- _atom_feed_mappings = ( (("title",), "title"), (("link", "url"), "id"), (("description", "desc", "summary"), "subtitle"), (("pubDate", "pubdate", "date", "published", "updated"), "pubDate", lambda(x): _format_datetime("atom",x)), (("category",), "category"), (("author",), "author", lambda(x): _atomise_author(x)) ) _atom_item_mappings = ( (("title",), "title"), (("link", "url"), "id"), (("link", "url"), "link", lambda(x): _atomise_link(x)), (("description", "desc", "summary"), "summary"), (("pubDate", "pubdate", "date", "published", "updated"), "pubDate", lambda(x): _format_datetime("atom",x)), (("category",), "category"), (("author",), "author", lambda(x): _atomise_author(x)) ) def _get_tz_offset(): """ Return the current timezone's offset from GMT as a string in the format +/-HH:MM, as required by RFC3339. """ seconds = -1*timezone # Python gets the offset backward! >:( minutes = seconds/60 hours = minutes/60 minutes = minutes - hours*60 if seconds < 0: return "-%02d:%d" % (hours, minutes) else: return "+%02d:%d" % (hours, minutes) def _convert_datetime(time): """ Convert time, which may be one of a whole lot of things, into a standard 9 part time tuple. """ if (type(time) is tuple and len(time) ==9) or type(time) is struct_time: # Already done! return time elif type(time) is int or type(time) is float: # Assume this is a seconds-since-epoch time return localtime(time) elif type(time) is str: if time.isalnum(): # String is alphanumeric - a time stamp? try: return strptime(time, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") except ValueError: raise Exception("Unrecongised time format!") else: # Maybe this is a string of an epoch time? try: return localtime(float(time)) except ValueError: # Guess not. raise Exception("Unrecongised time format!") else: # No idea what this is. Give up! raise Exception("Unrecongised time format!") def _format_datetime(feed_type, time): """ Convert some representation of a date and time into a string which can be used in a validly formatted feed of type feed_type. Raise an Exception if this cannot be done. """ # First, convert time into a time structure time = _convert_datetime(time) # Then, convert that to the appropriate string if feed_type is "rss2": return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time) elif feed_type is "atom": return strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time) + _get_tz_offset(); def _atomise_link(link): if type(link) is dict: return dict else: return {"href" : link} def _atomise_author(author): """ Convert author from whatever it is to a dictionary representing an atom:Person construct. """ if type(author) is dict: return author else: if author.startswith("http://") or author.startswith("www"): # This is clearly a URI return {"uri" : author} elif "@" in author and "." in author: # This is most probably an email address return {"email" : author} else: # Must be a name return {"name" : author} def _rssify_author(author): """ Convert author from whatever it is to a plain old email string for use in an RSS 2.0 feed. """ if type(author) is dict: try: return author["email"] except KeyError: return None else: if "@" in author and "." in author: # Probably an email address return author else: return None def _add_subelems(root_element, mappings, dictionary): """ Add one subelement to root_element for each key in dictionary which is supported by a mapping in mappings """ for mapping in mappings: for key in mapping[0]: if key in dictionary: if len(mapping) == 2: value = dictionary[key] elif len(mapping) == 3: value = mapping[2](dictionary[key]) _add_subelem(root_element, mapping[1], value) break def _add_subelem(root_element, name, value): if value is None: return if type(value) is dict: ### HORRIBLE HACK! if name=="link": ET.SubElement(root_element, name, href=value["href"]) else: subElem = ET.SubElement(root_element, name) for key in value: _add_subelem(subElem, key, value[key]) else: ET.SubElement(root_element, name).text = value def _stringify(tree, pretty): """ Turn an ElementTree into a string, optionally with line breaks and indentation. """ if pretty and feedformatterCanPrettyPrint: string = StringIO() doc = FromXml(ET.tostring(tree)) PrettyPrint(doc,string,indent=" ") return string.getvalue() else: return ET.tostring(tree) class Feed: ### INTERNAL METHODS ------------------------------ def __init__(self, feed=None, items=None): if feed: self.feed = feed else: self.feed = {} if items: self.items = items else: self.items = [] self.entries = self.items ### RSS 1.0 STUFF ------------------------------ def validate_rss1(self): """Raise an InvalidFeedException if the feed cannot be validly formatted as RSS 1.0.""" # must contain "title" if "title" not in self.feed: raise InvalidFeedException("The channel element of an " "RSS 1.0 feed must contain a title subelement") # must contain "link" if "link" not in self.feed: raise InvalidFeedException("The channel element of an " " RSS 1.0 feeds must contain a link subelement") # must contain "description" if "description" not in self.feed: raise InvalidFeedException("The channel element of an " "RSS 1.0 feeds must contain a description subelement") # Each must contain "title" and "link" for item in self.items: if "title" not in item: raise InvalidFeedException("Each item element in an RSS 1.0 " "feed must contain a title subelement") if "link" not in item: raise InvalidFeedException("Each item element in an RSS 1.0 " "feed must contain a link subelement") def format_rss1_string(self, validate=True, pretty=False): """Format the feed as RSS 1.0 and return the result as a string.""" if validate: self.validate_rss1() RSS1root = ET.Element( 'rdf:RDF', {"xmlns:rdf" : "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "xmlns" : "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"} ) RSS1channel = ET.SubElement(RSS1root, 'channel', {"rdf:about" : self.feed["link"]}) _add_subelems(RSS1channel, _rss1_channel_mappings, self.feed) RSS1contents = ET.SubElement(RSS1channel, 'items') RSS1contents_seq = ET.SubElement (RSS1contents, 'rdf:Seq') for item in self.items: ET.SubElement(RSS1contents_seq, 'rdf:li', resource=item["link"]) for item in self.items: RSS1item = ET.SubElement (RSS1root, 'item', {"rdf:about" : item["link"]}) _add_subelems(RSS1item, _rss1_item_mappings, item) return _stringify(RSS1root, pretty=pretty) def format_rss1_file(self, filename, validate=True, pretty=False): """Format the feed as RSS 1.0 and save the result to a file.""" string = self.format_rss1_string(validate, pretty) fp = open(filename, "w") fp.write(string) fp.close() ### RSS 2.0 STUFF ------------------------------ def validate_rss2(self): """Raise an InvalidFeedException if the feed cannot be validly formatted as RSS 2.0.""" # must contain "title" if "title" not in self.feed: raise InvalidFeedException("The channel element of an " "RSS 2.0 feed must contain a title subelement") # must contain "link" if "link" not in self.feed: raise InvalidFeedException("The channel element of an " " RSS 2.0 feeds must contain a link subelement") # must contain "description" if "description" not in self.feed: raise InvalidFeedException("The channel element of an " "RSS 2.0 feeds must contain a description subelement") # Each must contain at least "title" OR "description" for item in self.items: if not ("title" in item or "description" in item): raise InvalidFeedException("Each item element in an RSS 2.0 " "feed must contain at least a title or description subelement") def format_rss2_string(self, validate=True, pretty=False): """Format the feed as RSS 2.0 and return the result as a string.""" if validate: self.validate_rss2() RSS2root = ET.Element( 'rss', {'version':'2.0'} ) RSS2channel = ET.SubElement( RSS2root, 'channel' ) _add_subelems(RSS2channel, _rss2_channel_mappings, self.feed) for item in self.items: RSS2item = ET.SubElement ( RSS2channel, 'item' ) _add_subelems(RSS2item, _rss2_item_mappings, item) return _stringify(RSS2root, pretty=pretty) def format_rss2_file(self, filename, validate=True, pretty=False): """Format the feed as RSS 2.0 and save the result to a file.""" string = self.format_rss2_string(validate, pretty) fp = open(filename, "w") fp.write(string) fp.close() ### ATOM STUFF ------------------------------ def validate_atom(self): """Raise an InvalidFeedException if the feed cannot be validly formatted as Atom 1.0.""" # Must have at least one "author" element in "feed" OR at least # "author" element in each "entry". if "author" not in self.feed: for entry in self.entries: if "author" not in entry: raise InvalidFeedException("Atom feeds must have either at " "least one author element in the feed element or at least " " one author element in each entry element") def format_atom_string(self, validate=True, pretty=False): """Format the feed as Atom 1.0 and return the result as a string.""" if validate: self.validate_atom() AtomRoot = ET.Element( 'feed', {"xmlns":"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"} ) _add_subelems(AtomRoot, _atom_feed_mappings, self.feed) for entry in self.entries: AtomItem = ET.SubElement ( AtomRoot, 'entry' ) _add_subelems(AtomItem, _atom_item_mappings, entry) return _stringify(AtomRoot, pretty=pretty) def format_atom_file(self, filename, validate=True, pretty=False): """Format the feed as Atom 1.0 and save the result to a file.""" string = self.format_atom_string(validate, pretty) fp = open(filename, "w") fp.write(string) fp.close() class InvalidFeedException(Exception): pass ### FACTORY FUNCTIONS ------------------------------ def fromUFP(ufp): return Feed(ufp["feed"], ufp["items"]) ### MAIN ------------------------------ def main(): feed = Feed() feed.feed["title"] = "Test Feed" feed.feed["link"] = "http://code.google.com/p/feedformatter/" feed.feed["author"] = "Luke Maurits" feed.feed["description"] = "A simple test feed for the feedformatter project" item = {} item["title"] = "Test item" item["link"] = "http://www.python.org" item["description"] = "Python programming language" item["guid"] = "1234567890" feed.items.append(item) print("---- RSS 1.0 ----") print feed.format_rss1_string(pretty=True) print("---- RSS 2.0 ----") print feed.format_rss2_string(pretty=True) print("---- Atom 1.0 ----") print feed.format_atom_string(pretty=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()