@misc{ linuxeduquebec, Author = { http://linuxeduquebec.org/ }, Title = { Linux \'Edu Qu\'ebec}, Note = "Voir \url{http://linuxeduquebec.org}", } @book{ hist_faecum, Title = {Histoire de la FA\'ECUM (1976--2006) Une f\'ed\'eration en marche}, Publisher = {FA\'ECUM}, Author = {Denis Gravel}, Year = {2006} } @misc{ livretDuLibre, Author = {Nicolas Bouillon and Lucas Nussbaum and Thomas Petazzoni}, Title = {Le livret du libre}, Year = {2005} } @misc{Mozilla, author = "Mozilla", title = "Mozilla Firefox et Thunderbird", year = 2007, note = "Voir \url{http://www.mozilla.com}" } @misc{OpenOffice, author = "Sun", title = "{OpenOffice.Org}", year = 2007, note = "Voir \url{http://www.openoffice.org}" } @misc{Gimp, author = "The {GIMP} Team", title = "{GIMP} --- The {GNU} Image Manipulation Program", year = 2007, note = "Voir \url{http://www.gimp.org}" } @article{BYF07, author = "Bruce Byfield", title = " Kamloops school district gets an education in free software", month = "juin", year = 2007, journal = "Linux.com", note = "Voir \url{http://www.linux.com/articles/62285}" } @article{PFA07, author = "Jay Pfaffman", title = "It's Time to Consider Open Source Software", year = 2007, journal = "LinuxInsider", note = "Voir \url{http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/linux-software/57759.html}" }