const geolib = require('geolib'); const {choosePlural, joinSentence} = require('../util'); const {queryOverpass, fetchTamTheoretical} = require('./endpoints'); const osmViewNode = ''; /** * Create a link to remotely add tags into JOSM. * * @param objectId Identifier for the object to add the tags to. * @param tags Tags to add. * @return Link for remotely adding the tags. */ const josmAddTagToNode = (objectId, tags) => '' + [ `objects=n${objectId}`, 'new_layer=false', 'addtags=' + tags.join('%7C') ].join('&'); /** * Use theoretical passings data to guess which lines use which stops in which * direction. * * This is used for suggesting possible stop IDs for stops that don’t have * one in OSM. * * @return Map containing for each stop its abbreviated name, the lines that * use it and in which directions it is used. */ const fetchStopsRefAssociations = () => new Promise((res, rej) => { const stops = {}; fetchTamTheoretical((err, row) => { if (err) { rej(err); return; } if (!row) { res(stops); return; } if (!(row.stopId in stops)) { stops[row.stopId] = { name: row.stopName, lines: new Set([row.routeShortName]), directions: new Set([row.tripHeadsign]), }; } else { const stop = stops[row.stopId]; if ( !== row.stopName) { console.warn(`Stop ${row.stopId} has multiple names: \ “${row.stopName}” and “${}”. Only the first one will be considered.`); } stop.lines.add(row.routeShortName); stop.directions.add(row.tripHeadsign); } }); }); // Mapping for abbreviations used in stop names const stopAbbreviations = { st: 'saint' }; /** * Convert a stop name to a canonical representation suitable for * comparing two names. * * @param stopName Original stop name. * @return List of normalized tokens in the name. */ const canonicalizeStopName = stopName => stopName .toLowerCase() // Remove diacritics .normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") // Only keep alpha-numeric characters .replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, ' ') // Split in tokens longer than two characters .split(/\s+/g).filter(part => part.length >= 2) // Resolve well-known abbreviations .map(part => part in stopAbbreviations ? stopAbbreviations[part] : part); /** * Compute a matching score between two stop names. * * @param fullName Stop name in full. * @param abbrName Abbreviated stop name. * @return Matching score (number of common tokens). */ const matchStopNames = (fullName, abbrName) => { const canonicalFullName = canonicalizeStopName(fullName); const canonicalAbbrName = canonicalizeStopName(abbrName); return canonicalFullName.filter(part => canonicalAbbrName.findIndex(abbrPart => part.startsWith(abbrPart) ) !== -1 ).length; }; /** * Fetch stops, segments and lines in the network. * * @param lineRefs List of lines to fetch. * @return Object with a set of stops, segments and lines. */ const fetch = async (lineRefs) => { // Retrieve routes, ways and stops from OpenStreetMap const rawData = await queryOverpass(`[out:json]; // Find the public transport line bearing the requested reference relation[network="TaM"][type="route_master"][ref~"^(${lineRefs.join('|')})$"]; // Recursively fetch routes, ways and stops inside the line (._; >>;); out body qt; `); // Retrieve stop associations from TaM const associations = await fetchStopsRefAssociations(); // List of retrieved objects const elementsList = JSON.parse(rawData).elements; // List of retrieved lines const routeMasters = elementsList.filter(elt => elt.tags && elt.tags.type === 'route_master' ); // Retrieved objects indexed by ID const elements = elementsList.reduce((prev, elt) => { prev[] = elt; return prev; }, {}); // Result object containing all stops const stops = {}; // Result object containing all segments between stops const segments = {}; // Result object containing all lines const lines = {}; for (let routeMaster of routeMasters) { const lineRef = routeMaster.tags.ref; const color = routeMaster.tags.colour || '#000000'; // Extract all routes for the given line const rawRoutes ={ref}) => elements[ref]); // Add missing stops to the result object for (let route of rawRoutes) { for (let {ref, role} of route.members) { if (role === 'stop') { const stop = elements[ref]; if (!('ref' in stop.tags)) { console.warn(`Stop ${} is missing a “ref” tag Name: ${} Part of line: ${lineRef} (to ${}) URI: ${osmViewNode}/${} `); // Try to identify stops matching this stop in the // TaM-provided data, using the stop name, line number // and trip direction const candidates = Object.entries(associations).filter( ([stopRef, {name, lines, directions}]) => lines.has(lineRef) ).map(([stopRef, {name, lines, directions}]) => ({ stopRef, lines, name, nameScore: matchStopNames(, name), directions, directionScore: Math.max( ...Array.from(directions).map(direction => matchStopNames(, direction) ) ), })) // Only keep non-zero scores for both criteria .filter(({nameScore, directionScore}) => nameScore && directionScore ) // Sort by best name score then best direction .sort(({ nameScore: nameScore1, directionScore: directionScore1 }, { nameScore: nameScore2, directionScore: directionScore2 }) => (nameScore2 - nameScore1) || (directionScore2 - directionScore1) ) .slice(0, 4); if (candidates.length === 0) { console.warn('No candidate found in TaM data.'); } else { console.warn('Candidates:'); for (let candidate of candidates) { console.warn(`\ — Stop ${candidate.stopRef} with name “${}” used by \ ${choosePlural(candidate.lines.length, 'line', '.s')} \ ${joinSentence(Array.from(candidate.lines), ', ', ' and ')} going to \ ${joinSentence(Array.from(candidate.directions), ', ', ' or ')} Apply in JOSM: ${josmAddTagToNode(, ['ref=' + candidate.stopRef])} `); } } console.warn(''); } if (!(stop.tags.ref in stops)) { stops[stop.tags.ref] = { lat:, lon: stop.lon, name:, lines: [lineRef], }; } else { stops[stop.tags.ref].lines.push(lineRef); } } } } // Add missing segments between stops for (let route of rawRoutes) { const {from, to} = route.tags; const stops = route.members .filter(({role}) => role === 'stop') .map(({ref}) => elements[ref]) .filter(stop => 'ref' in stop.tags) .map(stop => ({ id:, lat:, lon: stop.lon, ref: stop.tags.ref, name:, })); const ways = route.members .filter(({role}) => role === '') .map(({ref}) => ref); // Construct a graph with all connected nodes const nodeNeighbors = new Map(); for (let id of ways) { const {type, nodes, tags} = elements[id]; const isOneWay = ( tags.oneway === 'yes' || tags.junction === 'roundabout' ); const canGoBackward = ( !isOneWay || parseInt(tags['lanes:psv:backward'], 10) > 0 ); if (type === 'way' && nodes.length >= 1) { let previousNode = nodes[0]; if (!nodeNeighbors.has(previousNode)) { nodeNeighbors.set(previousNode, new Set()); } for (let node of nodes.slice(1)) { if (!nodeNeighbors.has(node)) { nodeNeighbors.set(node, new Set()); } nodeNeighbors.get(previousNode).add(node); if (canGoBackward) { nodeNeighbors.get(node).add(previousNode); } previousNode = node; } } } // Find way from first stop through the end using DFS const numberOfStops = stops.length; let currentStopIndex = 0; while (currentStopIndex + 1 < numberOfStops) { const currentStop = stops[currentStopIndex]; const nextStop = stops[currentStopIndex + 1]; const segmentId = `${currentStop.ref}-${nextStop.ref}`; if (!(segmentId in segments)) { const visitedEdges = new Set(); const stack = [{ currentNode:, segment: [], }]; let found = false; while (stack.length !== 0) { const {currentNode, segment} = stack.pop(); if (currentNode === { // Arrived at next stop segments[segmentId] = { nodes: => { const {lat, lon} = elements[id]; return {lat, lon}; }), length: geolib.getPathLength( => { const {lat, lon} = elements[id]; return {latitude: lat, longitude: lon}; })), lines: [lineRef], }; found = true; break; } const neighbors = nodeNeighbors.get(currentNode) || []; for (let nextNode of neighbors) { const edge = `${currentNode}-${nextNode}`; if (!visitedEdges.has(edge)) { visitedEdges.add(edge); stack.push({ currentNode: nextNode, segment: segment.concat([nextNode]), }); } } } if (!found) { throw new Error(`No way between stop \ “${}” (${}) and stop “${}” \ (${}) on line ${lineRef}’s route from “${from}” to “${to}”`); } } else { segments[segmentId].lines.push(lineRef); } ++currentStopIndex; } } // Construct line objects const routes = => ({ from: route.tags.from, to:, // Retrieve each stop’s information (stop order in the relation is // assumed to reflect reality) stops: route.members .filter(({role}) => role === 'stop') .map(({ref}) => elements[ref]) .filter(stop => 'ref' in stop.tags) .map(stop => stop.tags.ref) })); lines[lineRef] = { color, routes }; } return {stops, segments, lines}; }; exports.fetch = fetch;