#!/usr/bin/env -S node --experimental-json-modules import * as courses from "../src/tam/courses.js"; import network from "../src/tam/network.json"; import {displayTime} from "../src/util.js"; import process from "process"; import path from "path"; /** * Convert stop ID to human-readable stop name. * * If the stop ID is not known, the ID will be kept as-is. */ const getStopName = stopId => { if (stopId in network.stops) { return network.stops[stopId].properties.name; } return stopId; }; /** Create a string representing a course for printing. */ const courseToString = course => { let result = `Course #${course.id} Line ${course.line} - Direction ${course.direction} - Bound for ${getStopName(course.finalStopId)} Next stops: `; for (let [stopId, time] of course.passings) { result += `${displayTime(new Date(time))} - ${getStopName(stopId)}\n`; } return result; }; /** Show user help. */ const doHelp = () => { const name = "./" + path.relative(process.cwd(), process.argv[1]); process.stdout.write(`Usage: ${name} TYPE [COURSE] Show TaM courses data. Set TYPE to 'realtime' to fetch real-time data (limited time scope) or to 'theoretical' to fetch planned courses for the day. Set COURSE to a valid course ID to limit the output to a given course. `); }; /** Print realtime information for a course or all courses. */ const doPrint = async (kind, courseId) => { const results = await courses.fetch(kind); if (courseId) { if (courseId in results) { console.log(courseToString(results[courseId])); } else { console.log('Unknown course'); } } else { for (let course of Object.values(results)) { console.log(courseToString(course)); console.log("======\n"); } } }; const argv = process.argv.slice(2); if (argv.length === 0) { doHelp(); process.exit(1); } doPrint(argv[0], argv[1]);