Refonte du code de simulation

This commit is contained in:
Mattéo Delabre 2021-05-15 00:43:45 +02:00
parent 7a418f8ada
commit 6d76d874a1
Signed by: matteo
4 changed files with 253 additions and 242 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"back": "node src/back",
"front:dev": "vite",
"front:prod": "vite build",
"front:dev": "vite src/front",
"front:prod": "vite build src/front",
"lint": "eslint ."
"dependencies": {

View File

@ -33,6 +33,6 @@
<aside id="panel"></aside>
<div id="map"></div>
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="/index.js"></script>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import network from "../tam/network.json";
import * as simulation from "../tam/simulation";
import * as map from "./map/index";
import * as simulation from "../tam/simulation.js";
import * as map from "./map/index.js";
// Run courses simulation
const coursesSimulation = simulation.start();
@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ const displayTime = date => [
].map(number => number.toString().padStart(2, "0")).join(":");
const timeToHTML = time => {
const delta = Math.ceil((time - / 1000);
if (delta <= 0) {
return `Imminent`;
} else if (delta < 60) {
return `${delta} s`;
} else {
return `${Math.floor(delta / 60)} min ${delta % 60} s`;
setInterval(() => {
let html = `
@ -26,8 +38,6 @@ setInterval(() => {
if (courseId !== null && courseId in {
const course =[courseId];
const timeToHTML = time => Math.ceil((time - / 1000);
const stopToHTML = stopId => stopId in network.stops ?
network.stops[stopId] :
'<em>Arrêt inconnu</em>';
@ -39,6 +49,17 @@ setInterval(() => {
const state = (
course.traveledDistance === 0 && course.speed === 0
? "stopped" : "moving"
let prevPassings = course.prevPassings;
if (state === "moving") {
prevPassings = prevPassings.concat([[course.departureStop, course.departureTime]]);
html += `
@ -51,14 +72,14 @@ setInterval(() => {
<dd>${course.state === "moving"
<dd>${state === "moving"
? `Entre ${stopToHTML(course.departureStop)}
et ${stopToHTML(course.arrivalStop)}`
: `À larrêt ${stopToHTML(course.currentStop)}`}</dd>
: `À larrêt ${stopToHTML(course.departureStop)}`}</dd>
${course.state === "moving" ? `
${state === "moving" ? `
<dt>Arrivée dans</dt>
<dd>${timeToHTML(course.arrivalTime)} s</dd>
<dd>${timeToHTML(course.arrivalTime - 10000)}</dd>
<dt>Distance parcourue</dt>
<dd>${Math.ceil(course.traveledDistance)} m</dd>
@ -67,12 +88,12 @@ setInterval(() => {
<dd>${Math.ceil(course.speed * 3600)} km/h</dd>
` : `
<dt>Départ dans</dt>
<dd>${timeToHTML(course.departureTime)} s</dd>
<h2>Arrêts précédents</h2>
<h2>Arrêts suivants</h2>

View File

@ -1,277 +1,275 @@
import axios from "axios";
import turfAlong from "@turf/along";
import turfLength from "@turf/length";
import * as turfHelpers from "@turf/helpers";
import * as turfProjection from "@turf/projection";
import network from "./network.json";
const server = "http://localhost:4321";
const findRoute = (from, to) => {
const queue = [[from, []]];
// Number of milliseconds to stay at each stop
const stopTime = 10000;
while (queue.length) {
const [head, path] = queue.shift();
// Step used to compute the vehicle angle in meters
const angleStep = 10;
for (const successor of network.stops[head].properties.successors) {
if (successor === to) {
return path.concat([head, successor]);
// Maximum speed of a vehicle
const maxSpeed = 60 / 3600;
if (!path.includes(successor)) {
queue.push([successor, path.concat([head])]);
// Minimum speed of a vehicle
const minSpeed = 10 / 3600;
return null;
// Normal speed of a vehicle
const normSpeed = (2 * maxSpeed + minSpeed) / 3;
/** Simulate the evolution of a vehicle course in the network. */
class Course {
constructor(data) { =;
this.prevPassings = [];
this.nextPassings = [];
this.state = null;
constructor(id) {
// Unique identifier of this course = id;
// Attributes for the `stopped` state
this.currentStop = null;
// Line on which this vehicle operates
this.line = null;
// Line direction of this course
this.direction = null;
// Stop to which this course is headed
this.finalStop = null;
// Previous stops that this course left (with timestamps)
this.prevPassings = [];
// Next stops that this course will leave (with timestamps)
this.nextPassings = [];
// Stop that this course just left or will leave
this.departureStop = null;
// Time at which the last stop was left or will be left
this.departureTime = 0;
// Attributes for the `moving` state
this.departureStop = null;
// Next stop that this course will reach
// (if equal to departureStop, the course has reached its last stop)
this.arrivalStop = null;
// Time at which the next stop will be left
this.arrivalTime = 0;
// Segment of points between the current departure and arrival
this.segment = null;
// Number of meters travelled between the two stops
this.traveledDistance = 0;
// Current vehicle speed in meters per millisecond
this.speed = 0;
// Current vehicle latitude and longitude
this.position = [0, 0];
this.angle = 0;
this.history = [];
// Current vehicle bearing
this.angle = 0;
get currentSegment() {
if (this.state !== "moving") {
return null;
/** Retrieve information about the current segment used by the vehicle. */
updateSegment() {
if (this.departureStop === null || this.arrivalStop === null) {
this.segment = null;
return network.segments[`${this.departureStop}-${this.arrivalStop}`];
const name = `${this.departureStop}-${this.arrivalStop}`;
if (name in network.segments) {
this.segment = network.segments[name];
if (!(this.departureStop in network.stops)) {
console.warn(`Unknown stop: ${this.departureStop}`);
this.segment = null;
if (!(this.arrivalStop in network.stops)) {
console.warn(`Unknown stop: ${this.arrivalStop}`);
this.segment = null;
this.segment = turfHelpers.lineString([
]); = turfLength(this.segment);
updateData(data) {
/** Merge data received from the server. */
receiveData(data) {
this.line = data.line;
this.direction = data.direction;
this.finalStop = data.finalStopId;
this.nextPassings = data.passings;
const now =;
const passings = Object.assign(
if (this.state === null) {
// Initialize the course on the first available segment
const index = this.nextPassings.findIndex(
([, time]) => time >= now
// Remove older passings from next passings
for (let [stop, time] of this.prevPassings) {
delete passings[stop];
if (index === -1) {
return false;
if (index === 0) {
} else {
this.arriveToStop(this.nextPassings[index - 1][0]);
} else if (this.state === "moving") {
const index = this.nextPassings.findIndex(
([stop]) => stop === this.arrivalStop
if (index === -1 || this.nextPassings[index][1] <= now) {
// Next stop is not announced or in the past,
// move towards it as fast as possible
this.arrivalTime = now;
} else {
// On the right track, update the arrival time
this.arrivalTime = this.nextPassings[index][1];
} else {
// (this.state === 'stopped')
// Try moving to the next stop
const index = this.nextPassings.findIndex(
([stop]) => stop === this.currentStop
if (index !== -1) {
if (this.nextPassings[index][1] <= now) {
// Current stop is still announced but in the past
if (index + 1 < this.nextPassings.length) {
// Move to next stop
this.moveToStop(...this.nextPassings[index + 1]);
} else {
// No next stop announced, end of course
return false;
} else {
// Cannot move yet, departure is in the future
this.departureTime = this.nextPassings[index][1];
} else {
// Current stop is not announced, find the first stop
// announced in the future to which is connection is
// possible
let found = false;
for (
let nextIndex = 0;
nextIndex < this.nextPassings.length;
) {
const [stop, arrivalTime] = this.nextPassings[nextIndex];
if (arrivalTime > now) {
const route = findRoute(this.currentStop, stop);
if (route !== null) {
// Move to the first intermediate stop, guess the
// arrival time based on the final arrival time and
// the relative distance of the stops
const midDistance = network.segments[
let totalDistance = midDistance;
for (
let midIndex = 1;
midIndex + 1 < route.length;
) {
totalDistance += network.segments[
`${route[midIndex]}-${route[midIndex + 1]}`
const midTime = now + (arrivalTime - now) *
midDistance / totalDistance;
this.moveToStop(route[1], midTime);
found = true;
if (!found) {
// No valid next stop available
return false;
// Update departure time if still announced
if (this.departureStop !== null) {
if (this.departureStop in passings) {
this.departureTime = passings[this.departureStop];
delete passings[this.departureStop];
if (this.state === "moving") {
const segment = this.currentSegment;
const distance = - this.traveledDistance;
const duration = this.arrivalTime -;
// Update arrival time
if (this.arrivalStop !== null) {
if (this.arrivalStop in passings) {
// Use announced time if available
this.arrivalTime = passings[this.arrivalStop];
delete passings[this.arrivalStop];
} else {
// Otherwise, arrive using a normal speed from current position
const segment = this.segment;
const distance = - this.traveledDistance;
const time = Math.floor(distance / normSpeed);
this.arrivalTime = + time;
this.speed = Course.computeSpeed(distance, duration);
this.nextPassings = Object.entries(passings).sort(
([, time1], [, time2]) => time1 - time2
/** Update the vehicle state. */
update() {
const now =;
// When initializing, use the first available passing as start
if (this.departureStop === null) {
if (this.nextPassings.length > 0) {
const [stopId, time] = this.nextPassings.shift();
this.departureStop = stopId;
this.departureTime = time;
// …and the second one as the arrival
if (this.arrivalStop === null) {
if (this.nextPassings.length > 0) {
const [stopId, time] = this.nextPassings.shift();
this.arrivalStop = stopId;
this.arrivalTime = time;
if (this.segment !== null) {
const segment = this.segment;
const distance = - this.traveledDistance;
const duration = this.arrivalTime - stopTime - now;
// Arrive to the next stop
if (distance === 0) {
this.prevPassings.push([this.departureStop, this.departureTime]);
this.departureStop = this.arrivalStop;
this.departureTime = this.arrivalTime;
if (this.nextPassings.length > 0) {
const [stopId, time] = this.nextPassings.shift();
this.arrivalStop = stopId;
this.arrivalTime = time;
} else {
this.arrivalStop = null;
this.arrivalTime = 0;
this.traveledDistance = 0;
if (this.departureTime > now) {
// Wait for departure
this.speed = 0;
} else {
if (this.traveledDistance === 0 && this.speed === 0) {
// Were late, record the actual departure time
this.departureTime = now;
// Update current speed to arrive on time if possible
this.speed = Course.computeSpeed(distance, duration);
return true;
tick(time) {
if (this.state === "moving") {
// Integrate current speed in travelled distance
this.traveledDistance += this.speed * time;
const segment = this.currentSegment;
/** Integrate the current vehicle speed and update distance. */
move(time) {
if (this.segment === null) {
if (this.traveledDistance >= {
// Compute updated position and angle based on a small step
const step = 10; // In meters
const positions = [
Math.max(0, this.traveledDistance - step / 2),
this.traveledDistance + step / 2
].map(distance => turfProjection.toMercator(turfAlong(
distance / 1000
this.angle = Math.atan2(
positions[0][1] - positions[2][1],
positions[2][0] - positions[0][0]
if (this.speed > 0) {
this.traveledDistance = Math.min(
this.traveledDistance + this.speed * time,,
this.position = positions[1];
* Transition this course to a state where it has arrived to a stop.
* @param {string} stop Identifier for the stop to which
* the course arrives.
* @returns {undefined}
arriveToStop(stop) {
this.state = "stopped";
this.currentStop = stop;
this.departureTime =;
this.position = (
// Compute updated position and angle based on a small step
let positionBehind;
let positionInFront;
if (this.traveledDistance < angleStep / 2) {
positionBehind = this.traveledDistance;
positionInFront = angleStep;
} else {
positionBehind = this.traveledDistance - angleStep / 2;
positionInFront = this.traveledDistance + angleStep / 2;
const positions = [
].map(distance => turfProjection.toMercator(turfAlong(
distance / 1000
this.angle = Math.atan2(
positions[0][1] - positions[2][1],
positions[2][0] - positions[0][0]
* Transition this course to a state where it is moving to a stop.
* @param {string} stop Next stop for this course.
* @param {number} arrivalTime Planned arrival time to that stop.
* @returns {undefined}
moveToStop(stop, arrivalTime) {
const segmentId = `${this.currentStop}-${stop}`;
if (!(segmentId in network.segments)) {
console.warn(`Course ${} cannot go from stop
${this.currentStop} to stop ${stop}. Teleporting to ${stop}`);
const distance = network.segments[segmentId].properties.length;
const duration = arrivalTime -;
if (Course.computeSpeed(distance, duration) === 0) {
// Speed would be too low, better wait for some time
this.state = "moving";
this.departureStop = this.currentStop;
this.arrivalStop = stop;
this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime;
this.traveledDistance = 0;
this.speed = 0;
this.position = positions[1];
static computeSpeed(distance, duration) {
if (duration <= 0) {
// Late: go to maximum speed
return 50 / 3600;
return maxSpeed;
if (distance / duration <= 10 / 3600) {
const speed = distance / duration;
if (speed < minSpeed) {
// Too slow: pause until speed is sufficient
return 0;
return distance / duration;
return Math.min(maxSpeed, speed);
@ -281,29 +279,19 @@ const updateData = async courses => {
// Update or create new courses
for (const [id, data] of Object.entries(dataset)) {
if (id in courses) {
if (!courses[id].updateData(data)) {
delete courses[id];
} else {
const newCourse = new Course(data);
if (newCourse.updateData(data)) {
courses[id] = newCourse;
// Remove stale courses
for (const id of Object.keys(courses)) {
if (!(id in dataset)) {
delete courses[id];
const newCourse = new Course(;
courses[id] = newCourse;
const tick = (courses, time) => {
for (const course of Object.values(courses)) {
@ -326,5 +314,7 @@ export const start = () => {
tick(courses, time);
window.__courses = courses;
return { courses, update };