422 lines
13 KiB
422 lines
13 KiB
const geolib = require('geolib');
const {choosePlural, joinSentence} = require('../util');
const {queryOverpass, fetchTamTheoretical} = require('./endpoints');
const osmViewNode = 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/node';
* Create a link to remotely add tags into JOSM.
* @param objectId Identifier for the object to add the tags to.
* @param tags Tags to add.
* @return Link for remotely adding the tags.
const josmAddTagToNode = (objectId, tags) =>
'' + [
'addtags=' + tags.join('%7C'),
* Use theoretical passings data to guess which lines use which stops in which
* direction.
* This is used for suggesting possible stop IDs for stops that don’t have
* one in OSM.
* @return Map containing for each stop its abbreviated name, the lines that
* use it and in which directions it is used.
const fetchStopsRefAssociations = () => new Promise((res, rej) =>
const stops = {};
fetchTamTheoretical((err, row) =>
if (err)
if (!row)
let line = row.routeShortName;
if (line === '4')
line += row.directionId === '0' ? 'A' : 'B';
if (!(row.stopId in stops))
stops[row.stopId] = {
name: row.stopName,
lines: new Set([line]),
directions: new Set([row.tripHeadsign]),
const stop = stops[row.stopId];
if (stop.name !== row.stopName)
console.warn(`Stop ${row.stopId} has multiple names: \
“${row.stopName}” and “${stop.name}”. Only the first one will be considered.`);
// Mapping for abbreviations used in stop names
const stopAbbreviations = {
st: 'saint',
* Convert a stop name to a canonical representation suitable for
* comparing two names.
* @param stopName Original stop name.
* @return List of normalized tokens in the name.
const canonicalizeStopName = stopName => stopName
// Remove diacritics
.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '')
// Only keep alpha-numeric characters
.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, ' ')
// Split in tokens longer than two characters
.split(/\s+/g).filter(part => part.length >= 2)
// Resolve well-known abbreviations
.map(part => part in stopAbbreviations ? stopAbbreviations[part] : part);
* Compute a matching score between two stop names.
* @param fullName Stop name in full.
* @param abbrName Abbreviated stop name.
* @return Matching score (number of common tokens).
const matchStopNames = (fullName, abbrName) =>
const canonicalFullName = canonicalizeStopName(fullName);
const canonicalAbbrName = canonicalizeStopName(abbrName);
return canonicalFullName.filter(part =>
canonicalAbbrName.findIndex(abbrPart =>
) !== -1
* Determine if an OSM way is oneway or not.
* @param tags Set of tags of the way.
* @return True iff. the way is oneway.
const isOneWay = tags =>
('oneway' in tags && tags.oneway === 'yes')
|| ('junction' in tags && tags.junction === 'roundabout')
|| ('highway' in tags && tags.highway === 'motorway');
* Fetch stops, segments and lines in the network.
* @param lineRefs List of lines to fetch.
* @return Object with a set of stops, segments and lines.
const fetch = async (lineRefs) =>
// Retrieve routes, ways and stops from OpenStreetMap
const rawData = await queryOverpass(`[out:json];
// Find the public transport line bearing the requested reference
// Recursively fetch routes, ways and stops inside the line
(._; >>;);
out body qt;
// Retrieve stop associations from TaM
const associations = await fetchStopsRefAssociations();
// List of retrieved objects
const elementsList = JSON.parse(rawData).elements;
// List of retrieved lines
const routeMasters = elementsList.filter(elt =>
elt.tags && elt.tags.type === 'route_master'
// Retrieved objects indexed by ID
const elements = elementsList.reduce((prev, elt) =>
prev[elt.id] = elt;
return prev;
}, {});
// All stops in the network
const stops = {};
// All transport lines of the network
const lines = {};
for (let routeMaster of routeMasters)
const lineRef = routeMaster.tags.ref;
const color = routeMaster.tags.colour || '#000000';
// Extract all routes for the given line
const rawRoutes = routeMaster.members.map(({ref}) => elements[ref]);
// Add missing stops to the result object
for (let route of rawRoutes)
for (let {ref, role} of route.members)
if (role === 'stop')
const stop = elements[ref];
if (!('ref' in stop.tags))
console.warn(`Stop ${stop.id} is missing a “ref” tag
Name: ${stop.tags.name}
Part of line: ${route.tags.name}
URI: ${osmViewNode}/${stop.id}
// Try to identify stops matching this stop in the
// TaM-provided data, using the stop name, line number
// and trip direction
const candidates = Object.entries(associations).filter(
([, {lines}]) => lines.has(route.tags.ref)
).map(([stopRef, {name, lines, directions}]) => ({
nameScore: matchStopNames(stop.tags.name, name),
directionScore: Math.max(
...Array.from(directions).map(direction =>
matchStopNames(route.tags.to, direction)
// Only keep non-zero scores for both criteria
.filter(({nameScore, directionScore}) =>
nameScore && directionScore
// Sort by best name score then best direction
nameScore: nameScore1,
directionScore: directionScore1,
}, {
nameScore: nameScore2,
directionScore: directionScore2,
}) =>
(nameScore2 - nameScore1)
|| (directionScore2 - directionScore1)
.slice(0, 4);
if (candidates.length === 0)
console.warn('No candidate found in TaM data.');
for (let candidate of candidates)
— Stop ${candidate.stopRef} with name “${candidate.name}” used by \
${choosePlural(candidate.lines.length, 'line', '.s')} \
${joinSentence(Array.from(candidate.lines), ', ', ' and ')} going to \
${joinSentence(Array.from(candidate.directions), ', ', ' or ')}
Apply in JOSM: ${josmAddTagToNode(stop.id, ['ref=' + candidate.stopRef])}
if (!(stop.tags.ref in stops))
stops[stop.tags.ref] = {
lat: stop.lat,
lon: stop.lon,
name: stop.tags.name,
lines: new Set([lineRef]),
// Reconstruct the line’s route from stop to stop
const routes = [];
for (let route of rawRoutes)
const {from, to} = route.tags;
// Human-readable description of the route for errors
const routeDescription = `line ${lineRef}’s route from \
“${route.tags.from}” to “${route.tags.to}”`;
// Check that the route consists of a block of stops and platforms
// followed by a block of routes as dictated by PTv2
const relationPivot = route.members.findIndex(
({role}) => role === ''
if (!route.members.slice(0, relationPivot).every(
({role}) => role === 'stop' || role === 'platform'
throw new Error(`Members with invalid roles in between stops
of ${routeDescription}`);
if (!route.members.slice(relationPivot).every(
({role}) => role === ''
throw new Error(`Members with invalid roles inside the path
of ${routeDescription}`);
// List of stops in the route, expected to be in the timetable
// order as per PTv2 and to be traversed in order by the sequence
// of ways extracted below
const stops = route.members.slice(0, relationPivot)
.filter(({role}) => role === 'stop')
.map(({ref}) => ref);
// List of ways making up the route’s path through its stops
// with each way connected to the next through a single point
const ways = route.members.slice(relationPivot)
.map(({ref}) => ref);
// Merge all used ways in a single path
let path = [];
let currentNode = stops[0];
for (let wayIndex = 0; wayIndex < ways.length; wayIndex += 1)
const {nodes: wayNodes, tags: wayTags}
= elements[ways[wayIndex]];
const wayNodesSet = new Set(wayNodes);
const curNodeIndex = wayNodes.indexOf(currentNode);
// If not the last way, find a connection point to the next way
// (there should be exactly one)
let nextNode = null;
let nextNodeIndex = null;
if (wayIndex + 1 < ways.length)
const nextNodeCandidates = elements[ways[wayIndex + 1]]
.nodes.filter(node => wayNodesSet.has(node));
if (nextNodeCandidates.length !== 1)
throw new Error(`There should be exactly one point
connecting way n°${wayIndex} and way n°${wayIndex + 1} in ${routeDescription},
but there are ${nextNodeCandidates.length}`);
nextNode = nextNodeCandidates[0];
nextNodeIndex = wayNodes.indexOf(nextNode);
nextNodeIndex = wayNodes.length;
if (curNodeIndex < nextNodeIndex)
// Use the way in its normal direction
path = path.concat(
wayNodes.slice(curNodeIndex, nextNodeIndex)
// Use the way in the reverse direction
if (isOneWay(wayTags))
throw new Error(`Way n°${wayIndex} in
${routeDescription} is one-way and cannot be used in reverse.`);
path = path.concat(
wayNodes.slice(nextNodeIndex + 1, curNodeIndex + 1)
currentNode = nextNode;
// Split the path into segments between stops
const segments = [];
for (let stopIndex = 0; stopIndex + 1 < stops.length; ++stopIndex)
path.indexOf(stops[stopIndex + 1] + 1),
).map(id => ({
lat: elements[id].lat,
lon: elements[id].lon,
from, to,
name: route.tags.name,
stops: stops.map(id => elements[id].tags.ref),
lines[lineRef] = {
return {stops, lines};
exports.fetch = fetch;