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* Choose between singular or plural form based on the number of elements.
* @example
* > choosePlural(1, 'example', '.s')
* 'example'
* > choosePlural(4, 'example', '.s')
* 'examples'
* > choosePlural(0, 'radius', 'radii')
* 'radii'
* @param count Number of elements.
* @param singular Singular form.
* @param plural Plural form. An initial dot will be replaced by `singular`.
* @return Appropriate form.
const choosePlural = (count, singular, plural) =>
if (count === 1)
return singular;
return plural.replace(/^\./, singular);
exports.choosePlural = choosePlural;
* Join elements with the given separator and a special separator for the last
* element.
* @example
* > joinSentence(['apple', 'orange', 'banana'], ', ', ' and ')
* 'apple, orange and banana'
* > joinSentence(['apple', 'banana'], ', ', ' and ')
* 'apple and banana'
* > joinSentence(['banana'], ', ', ' and ')
* 'banana'
* @param array Sequence of strings to join.
* @param separator Separator for all elements but the last one.
* @param lastSeparator Separator for the last element.
* @return Joined string.
const joinSentence = (array, separator, lastSeparator) =>
if (array.length <= 2)
return array.join(lastSeparator);
return (
array.slice(0, -1).join(separator)
+ lastSeparator
+ array[array.length - 1]
exports.joinSentence = joinSentence;
* Check if a value is a JS object.
* @param value Value to check.
* @return True iff. `value` is a JSobject.
const isObject = value => value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
exports.isObject = isObject;
* Check if two arrays are equal in a shallow manner.
* @param array1 First array.
* @param array2 Second array.
* @return True iff. the two arrays are equal.
const arraysEqual = (array1, array2) => (
array1.length === array2.length
&& array1.every((elt1, index) => elt1 === array2[index])
exports.arraysEqual = arraysEqual;